
Most Critical Part on Any Strategy is Defining your Desired Outcome

Create a shared vision for your retail customer experience

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."

– Lewis Carroll –

Why this is important?

Defining a Clear Long Term Strategy (North Star Experience) minimises waste and ensures that Your Entire Organisation is pushing in the same direction. 

If your Organisation is constantly reviewing and updating the Plan/Strategy, you have no way of ever delivering against it (because your destination keeps changing)

Also Ensuring that your Entire Organisation is Clear that Retail has a bright future (within your Overall Strategy) will ensure that the necessary resources are continually assigned and maintained to deliver against this North Star.

Understand Retail's Purpose

What is the ‘Current’ versus ‘Future Purpose of Retail’ within your Existing Strategy?

Is this likely to Change based on the latest Tech/Digital Innovations?

How are Your Competitors Using Retail?

Are you aware of Your Competitors Ambitions within their Retail Channel in the Future?

Objective: Understanding & Clearly Defining the Purpose of Retail & using this to Define the North Star Experience

Setting a clear strategy for retail

Internal Alignment

How Aligned are Your Teams currently when it comes to your Future Retail CX/EX?

Is everyone on the same page?  

Ask Around, You may be surprise by how different some of their responses are…

Retail Operations
Digital / IT
Executive Team

A Clear North Star allows you to...

Prioritise Initiatives

Once you’ve set Your North Star. The steps to get there will be far clearer. Prioritising Initiatives should be weighted against the Benefits Delivered to Your organisation. They should also be scored against their Strategic Impact (i.e. steps towards Your North Star).

The Other Key factor to consider is your Organisation’s ability to deliver the Initiatives. Do you have the Resources and Internal Capability that will allow you to deliver the selected short/medium Term Initiatives.

Identify Key Moments of Truth

Leverage Key Insights & Data to identify the Key Moments of Truth around when Customers are visiting a Retail Store.

For Example:

Define an Initiative Roadmap

Prioritise Focus Area and Identify Initiatives that will get us closer to delivering against the North Star Experience

We can get as involved as you require

How can Offline2Online Support?

Lead Cross-Functional Workshops

Run Discovery, Identify (Current, Planned & Priority) Initiatives that will impact a Visitor's Future Retail Experience.
Define the Ideal State & Create a North Star (end-to-end) Experience that becomes the Guiding Light for your Organisation.

Breakdown the Strategy into Phases

Understand the Organisation's ability to deliver against each of the defined Initiatives.

Prioritise them based on their Benefits and Organisation's ability to execute.

Define the Roadmap

Finalise the Initiative Roadmap and ensure relevant Budgets are assigned to support their delivery.

Outline all dependencies against each Initiatives and feed these into Organisation's Prioritised Back-log

Differentiate where it counts most?

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